Monday, December 6, 2010

all cut out

I finally got through cutting all the fabric for the top of the quilt I am making.  I ran into some problems when I didn't have quite enough fabric.  I ended up finding the same exact fabric again, thankfully.  I was able to lay out the quilt design in our living room, much to Josh's dismay.  We now have absolutely no room to walk, hehe.  I am hoping I stitch everything together pretty quickly so that we can have a living room again soon.

This is what it looks like so far....

 I plan on adding a solid brown fabric around the edges.  It will hopefully look good with our brown curtains and tan-ish dressers.  I added the turquoise because I love the variety it gives the quilt, plus I can now use that color while decorating our room!

Monday, November 22, 2010

scrap card

Even though I will see my friend in 5 days, I decided to make her a card.  It will most likely arrive in MI at the same time I am with her, but that is okay!

I normally make my own cards, so this isn't really all that new to me.  There is no sense on paying Hallmark $3 when I can be just, if not more creative!!  I like to find scraps from old projects and collage them together to make something unique.  This time I tried to make a bird cut out, so you could see the pretty fabric.  It looks a little messy, but I like it nonetheless.

the front of the card
as you can see...i need better markers/cuter handrwriting

the inside of the card
the birdy is sitting on a branch ; )

Sunday, November 21, 2010

the beginning

Before I begin this blog, I have to admit that I am new to the sewing world.  My hope is to become even better as the projects progress.  I will use this blog to post pictures and get comments on the projects I create!  Any feedback is appreciated.

About 3 weeks ago I decided I wanted to make a new quilt for our bed.  The comforter we have now is pretty, but I want something more "homey"...and what is more "homey" than something homemade??  I had a couple yards of fabric from a curtain I dreamed of making.  I really love the pattern so I decided to find other fabrics that would go well with it.  I chose....

Pretty, right?  The only problem is that I didn't pre-wash the fabric!!  I didn't know I was supposed to do this before cutting until I was already halfway through.  So my plan now is to just...go with it!  I told Josh he HAD to keep it clean because it might shrink when I wash it.  However, I know that won't happen, so I have already come to terms with the fact that this quilt is a practice quilt.  I am still going to try my best, but I won't be heartbroken when it gets messy.  I might turn it into wall art by putting it in a frame...if it shrinks...and if I like it enough.  Yes, I am already thinking this far ahead.